6-12 avr. 2021 En ligne (France)
Stereochemistry assignment of triskelion-shaped trishelicenic Iridium complexes
Elsa Caytan  1@  , Etienne Gauthier  1@  , Nora Hellou  1@  , Samuel Del Fré  2@  , Vincent Dorcet  1@  , Nicolas Vanthuyne  3@  , Ludovic Favereau  1@  , Monika Srebro-Hooper  2@  , Gareth Williams  4@  , Jeanne Crassous  1@  
1 : Institut des Sciences Chimiques de Rennes  (ISCR)  -  Site web
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique : UMR6226, Universite de Rennes 1
Campus de Beaulieu - Bât. 10 Avenue du Général Leclerc 35042 Rennes Cedex -  France
2 : Department of Theoretical Chemistry, Faculty of Chemistry, Jagiellonian University
R. Ingardena 3, 30-060 Krakow -  Pologne
3 : Institut des Sciences Moléculaires de Marseille  (ISM2)  -  Site web
Aix Marseille Université : UMR7313, Ecole Centrale de Marseille : UMR7313, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique : UMR7313
Campus Saint Jérôme Av. escadrille Normandie Niemen BP 531 13397 MARSEILLE CEDEX 20 -  France
4 : Department of Chemistry [Durham, UK]  -  Site web
Stockton Road, Durham DH1 3LE -  Royaume-Uni

Enantiopure tris-helicenic chiral-at-iridium complexes have been prepared, constituting the first examples of organometallic metal-tris-helicenes. Thanks to their Ir(III)-based multihelicenic architecture, the complexes display strong electronic circular dichroism and optical rotation along with long-lived yellow phosphorescence.

When synthesis is performed with an enantiopure helicenic precursor (either (P) or (M)), the octahedral complex can be statistically obtained in 4 different configurations, due to the chirality-at-iridium (DIr/LIr) and the two coordination geometries (meridional = mer / facial = fac).

Only 3 configurations were found experimentally. They were separated using HPLC, and the complete NMR studies (1H, 13C, 2D homonuclear and heteronuclear NMR, performed on 500 MHz or 900 MHz spectrometers) of the optically pure stereoisomers were conducted in CD2Cl2. The analysis of the resulting NMR signals with reference to the calculated geometries of such molecular configurations enabled their stereochemistries to be definitively assigned.

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